The story of the show 'Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan' revolves around the characters named Radha and Mohan. Post the leap, viewers saw Radha living as Radhika Kohli in South Delhi with her son Manan and husband Yug Kohli. Radha, who was earlier seen in saree, is now gracing the screen in a stylish Anarkali suit, which is different from her earlier traditional look. In this, she can be seen in a look with less makeup.
Niharika adopts both her traditional and modern avatars, which highlights the versatility and strength of her character. The actress said, 'I am excited about the leap of the show and the evolution of the character Radha. Radhika's new look is a refreshing change, which allows me to explore a different side of Radha. Her traditional look full of simplicity adds a new layer to her personality.
She said, 'Both the looks hold a special place in my heart and I believe the audience will connect with Radhika's journey as she navigates life with clarity.' 'Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan' airs on Zee TV. It happens. The audience is liking the show a lot. Actress Niharika Roy has succeeded in winning the hearts of the audience in the role of Radha.
An interesting twist has emerged in the show 'Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan', which has surprised the family members of Radha and Mohan. Mohan's voice has gradually changed.
In the recent episode, an interesting twist has emerged, which has shocked Radha and Mohan's family members. Mohan's voice has gradually changed, his eyes have become bloodshot and his fingers are decorated with nail paint.
The upcoming track in the serial is going to give goosebumps as the fans of Shabbir Ahluwalia will see their icon going through a physical transformation in a female avatar. Fans are also very excited to see this new avatar of the actor. The interesting story of the show is being liked by the audience a lot.
While speaking in an interview, Shabbir expressed his views on the story of the show and said, 'Many actors have cross-dressed at some point in their career, but it is usually for comic relief. I have accepted it as a challenge, have put my all into it.
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